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Yachay and the Art of integration

Updated: May 31, 2023


& The Art of Integration

(The power of Symbolisms)

Paña is the mystical side & Paña rules Yachay:

Yachay - Intellect, Logic, Reason and perception

From our Wasqar lineage: Benito Qoriwaman Vargas (Tukuyachayoq) teacher of Juan Nunez del Prado (direct teacher), Teacher of Joan (direct teacher)

Mysticism is direct knowing instead of mental knowing. Direct knowing means that you become the source of your own inspiration.

Yachay invites us to ask the following questions:

  • How much knowledge have you truly integrated into your being consciously?

  • How much have you sustained the basics of each of the steps of the Qhapaq Nan?

Every action (llankay) whether ukhu runanchiq or hawa runanchiq, whether conscious or unconscious, will give you a lesson as a result of each action. Each Action/Work/Llankay that is related to transformation gives way to a lesson & these lessons will continue to be experienced if we do not integrate, meaning we will continue to recreate situations that are in alignment with all patterns of pain and suffering, instead of alignment, prosperity and flow.

Yachay is a non-tangible creation of yourself for yourself. This energetic structure is the dynamic process in which any concept, wisdom, experience, knowledge becomes part of your conscious awareness.

Yachay is the right use of coherence.

There is a Vital need to keep yourself always bowing to yourself. Humility for yourself is not the same as humiliating before anything or anyone else.

This Human super power has 1 main function:

  1. Symbolize everything I have learned with the purpose of Integrating the lessons energetically

For example: I make a ritual to get over the flu (Llank’ay). This action gives way to a conscious process and as a result, with the desired new state I heal. Yach’ay is the process of representing this chosen path of healing the flu with a word or symbol. From there forward I have the power to enter that state seamlessly. Next time I get the flu I won't have to go over the process of getting sick. All experiences are there for us to learn. Once we have learned the process, there is no reason to do it again.

It is important not to lose sight and track of our own responsibility and the Qhapah ñan. We must keep track and sight of who we are in our heart, where we come from and the balance of basics and advanced levels at all times. We must continue nourishing the warrior and merchant.

Every action (llankay) whether ukhu runanchiq or hawa runanchiq, whether conscious or unconscious, will give you a lesson as a result of each action.

Each action/work/llankay that is related to transformation gives way to a lesson & these lessons will continue to be experienced if we do not integrate, meaning we will contiu

There is a great need to keep yourself always bowing to yourself. Humility for yourself is not the same as humiliating before anything or anyone else.

Examples of Yachay:

I experienced something in past, a blessing of time and my own karma like being born in a very loving family. I experienced care and deep love from both my parents who were truly joyful about my birth and early childhood. There are obviously negative moments however for the sake of understanding the concept of Yachay, I will focus only on the positive ones that I want to integrate.

I tune into the feeling of love when I was 4 to 7 years old. Yachay invites me to create an association with the feeling of being cherished and completely accepted, since these are the emotional states that I want to create my life from.

By practicing the art of symbolisms, I represent these memories (or memory) of joy that I want to consciously integrate and make part of my baseline emotions.



What this means is that 90 to 95% of your capacity lies dormant, unconscious and subconscious. Realizing this, is of course a magnificent blessing because it means that you (and everyone else) have so much potential in expansion, growth, awareness etc. Your conscious activity becomes a diamond in the rough now that you have awakened.

Plant Medicine as well as other type of Sadhana are immensely powerful and beneficial to increase your conscious awareness of yourself and others, however more than using Llankay to reach the goal of using 100% of your brain’s capacity, we use Yachay to tap into specific values that we want to integrate, which is even a bigger blessing.

To be able to understand the Phrase we also need to practice tapping into the direction of the Otorongo (the west) and the realm of the unknown. Channeling your subconscious is an activity of the Priest, because the priest goes looking for inspiration and answers in the Void in Khuyay to the divine, in full trust that it will deliver the right path of learning and growth for you!

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