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Fri, Aug 16




Our purpose is to offer you a living experience of communion with the PACHAMAMA and the APUS, to be part of a unique and different ancestral experience; of deep spiritual interrelation, between MAN and EARTH, and MAN and ENERGY, through inner work and ancestral ceremonies.


Time & Location

Aug 16, 2024, 5:00 PM – Sep 02, 2024, 12:00 PM


About the event

The magical city of Cusco is located in the valley of the Huatanay River, in the southern highlands of Peru. Its name in Quechua, Qosqo, means “navel” or in symbolic form, “center” or “meeting point”, because from the city of Cusco which was the capital of the Inca empire or Tahuantinsuyo began a vast network of roads (Inca Trail) that led to the four suyos or regions, which made up the 4 parts of the universe in the Andean cosmovision. Considered by the Incas as the “Abode of the Gods”, Cusco is, without a doubt, the most fascinating, magical and mystical city in the Andes.​

Founded by Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, children of the Sun God, who left Lake Titicaca with the mission to find a place that would be the center of a great kingdom. When you travel as a tourist you usually go in search of pleasure, entertainment, fun, beauty, etc., turning your trip into a common visit to archaeological sites without any sense other than to take simple pictures of the places. 

Pachamama Sacred Paths offers an wide variety of forms, rhythms, rituals and experiences, in order to find your vital energy, your balance, your awakening of consciousness, accepting yourself, knowing yourself and cultivating the immaterial essence of your existence.​

The road is usually a route, an access that takes us from one place to another, the magic of this pilgrimage is that the journey converts the road and the routes, in a way that takes you from one emotional state to another, from a state of ordinary consciousness to a higher consciousness, understanding on the road the way and the attitude to face the situations of life.​

We want your experience to go beyond a tourist visit. Our purpose is to offer you a living experience of communion with the PACHAMAMA and the APUS, to be part of a unique and different ancestral experience; of deep spiritual interrelation, between MAN and EARTH, and MAN and ENERGY, through inner work and ancestral ceremonies, directed by Andean Sages who preserve the knowledge of the Inca culture.

We Will Work On: 

• Self Healing, Assisted healing and healing mechanics.

• Wisdom and teachings from Andean trilogy and Andean duality

• Andean codes.

• Andean Shamanic Real Initiation (Priest Initiation).

• Experimental learnings about the laws of Andean Duality and Andean


• Ceremonies in which we will work at a physical, mental, and spiritual

        levels with ancetral Inka sounds.

• Learn the Andean way to make offerings to the Apus and Pachamama.

• Andean Oracle (optional).

• How to master the Missa and shamanic stones.

Pilgrimage Objectives: 


•  To embody the Commitment of healing Oneself.

•  To discover the magical spiritual world of the Andes to integrate it in

    our day-to-day life. 

•  To find the use and function of the Sacred Archeological site to be


•  To Heal both the physical and emotional bodies.

•  To take Consciousness of the Human-Being’s Evolution. 

•  To take the full commitment, respect and responsibility of One’s Self.


The people from the Q’ero Nation, who are considered to be the last Inca Ayllu, Cultural Reserve, the place of the chosen ones, has been declared an important cultural Patrimony of Pery. One of the Alto Andean Communities from the region which still preserve their ancestral customs, reflected in their lifestyles as well as in their agriculture and textile techniques, but most importantly, reflected in the way of Andean Spirituality that they exemplify.

In This way, the Q’ero practice day-to-day Andean rites, while keeping a close relationship with Pachamama and the Apus. They make their way via Pilgrimage to Sacred Mountains such as Apu Ausangate, Q’oyllurritty, Huamanlipa, experiencing deep communion with all natural elements.The Q’ero greatest strengths is their spirituality as well as their Textile Art where they preserve their peculiar iconography and which are made with natural tinctures. Their most well known textile styles are  “pallay ch’uncho”, “inti pallay” “las q’ochas” amongst a few others. 


Nicolás Pauccar, who is known as the young master, considered as a walking museum of the Q’ero community and who currently lives in Cusco-Peru is a re-knowned Shaman, International Public speaker, healer, Andean Oracle and an Adean Priest from the Q’ero lineage. Son of Sebastián Pauccar Flores. Cusco’s representative of Ayni Global, which is a Non Profit organization dedicated to the preservation of culture and indigenous wisdom. He is a leader in his community for management of social subjects in relationship to national and international institutions. He advocates for Ancestral and indigenous cultures. He has had many encounters with different cultures and presidents like Ollant Humala from Peru and Evo Morales, president of Bolivia. Nicolas is the main character in the Movie HUMANO and is the Author of the book “This is how a Q’ero speaks”. 

Altomessayoq Andres Ya’el, as the direct descendant of Mexican Revolutionary hero, General Francisco Villa, he carries the consciousness of freedom and Soverign-Being. In the Shamanic path, this has meant understanding all models for spirituality as different Anyas (truths). He’s Buddhist and Hindu Spirituality since 2013, Becoming a Zen Doshi and a Kriya Yoga Teacher. However, his Mexican roots exposed him to Sacred Ancestral wisdom from his early childhood. Exposing him different cultures like the Tarahumaras, Raramuris and Guarijó from the north of Mexico understanding the natural ways of communities that live in harmony with Pachamama. Later he Studied under a female Hopi Native American Priestess, and learned from Lakota teachers in California. He then began working with Sacred Medicines, Learning with Shipibo Maestros and with Colombian Medicine Teachers in California. Later in 2016 he became interested in hypnosis and became a Board Certified Clinical Hypnosis Therapist and founded  Pachamama Sacred Paths later that year .He became a Missayoq 2018 and he was initiated into Pampamissayoq in 2019. Last, he initiated into Altomissayoq in Cuzco in 2022.

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