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Cutting edge brain technology hits the reset button on your frontal lobe at the touch of a button…

Did you know that fear and stress activate the amygdala?  The amygdala is the brain center of emotional reactivity.  By activating the left frontal lobe, your energy is shifted from the emotional response center (amygdala) to the left frontal lobe where clarity, genius, learning, creativity, problem solving, intelligence and peak flow performance reside. Switching on your Left Frontal Lobe Increases Clarity and Problem Solving.  It is the natural seat of your genius.

10 Benefits of Frontal Lobe Brain Training from Clients Who’ve Experienced a Transformation

1. Transforms your personality so you can become happier, more extroverted, more productive and positive. Increased Mind Power.

2. Regain your ability to articulate thoughts clearly.

3. Diminish age-related anxieties and fears for mature adults

4. Relieve symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

5. Improve your ability to focus and change your perspective while achieving a higher degree of peace and personal success.

6. Shifts the energy of the environment around you for an improved organization and efficiency.

7. Brings you into a pure state of bliss

8. Helps stop addictions and bad habits – like smoking – resulting in a healthier lifestyle

9. Releases deep physical and emotional stress

10. Increases SAT and GMAT scores through accelerated learning, increased retention, and higher IQ.

Focus iQube

SKU: 364215376135199
    • Digital player pre-loaded with custom frequency programs
    • 2 bottles of Focus water concentrate designed to carry the priority frequency information into the body while flushing toxins and providing maximum hydration
    • CA-3090 speaker system
    • Custom noble gas inserts
    • 110/240 power system to run the digital players 24/7
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