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At Pachamama Sacred Paths, we believe that the way to resolve our personal, communal and global problems is through the evolution of human consciousness. The greater purpose of our organization is to address the aspects of our human condition which require attention and balancing. Spiritually, we understand that many underprivileged communities are still carrying the weight of their ancestral traumas and experiencing a disproportionate socio-economic burden. Through the creation of this scholarship fund, we believe we will be better able to carry out this mission and offer healing to those who may need it most.


It is truly an honor to bear witness to the transformation our members go through as they step onto this sacred path. With the help of these Sacred Medicine and the teachings of the lineage, many of us have been able to connect deeper to the divine within and experience true healing. Although each of our experiences are unique, so many of us in this community have been offered a chance to put down our limiting beliefs and step into our personal power, so that we may begin to create a more fulfilling life of freedom, joy and abundance. 


Throughout the years we’ve noticed that the medicine usually calls to us, when we are truly lost and most in need of guidance from these ancient allies. Often, the calling may come before they have the financial means to join us for a medicine circle. We’ve done our best to keep our costs down in order to make our retreats accessible to a wide audience, but our growing community needed a bigger space to blossom into. We are very grateful for our beautiful space in The Morgan Hill Mountains, which has allowed us to offer more spaces for participants on a more consistent basis. 


With this expansion, we have also been able to offer a limited number of scholarships, to folks who would have otherwise been unable to answer the medicine call due to current economic hardships. The stories of transformation that have come out of these scholarships have been some of the most inspiring we’ve seen and have elevated the collective experience of those who are lucky enough to share ceremony with them. (Check out some videos from some of our scholarship recipients in the updates below!)


For all of these reasons, we have decided to create a scholarship fund along with a standardized application process so that we may offer financial assistance to those in need. Our hope is that we will no longer need to turn away anyone based on their current financial standing. Our initial goal is to be able to offer 2-3 scholarships for each of the Sacred Ceremonies we are holding for the remainder of the year. 


For many of us the Holidays are a time of joyous celebration that give us a deeper appreciation for friends, family and community. For others, the Holidays can serve as a painful reminder of the absence of those things. Your generosity can help us reach more people and welcome them into our community of fellow seekers with open arms.


A gift of $1555 will allow us to fully sponsor a retreat participant on your behalf.  

We will match this by offering a second scholarship on us!


A gift of $777 would serve to cover a partial scholarship to someone in need. 

We will match this by covering the second half of the scholarship ourselves!


A gift of $333 would serve to cover the food for someone who may not otherwise be able to enjoy the healthy organic meals we provide during the retreat.


A gift of $111 would serve to provide ride assistance to the many interested participants who do not have transportation available. 


A gift of $55 will allow someone to choose from the ofrenda items we have available so they may set a powerful intention for their journey. 


Whether you give $5 or $999, the laws of reciprocity or Ayni (Giving and Receiving in relationship to our Self-Worth) teach us that your generosity will be received by the universe and the impact of this vibration will be felt in our community and in your life.


We thank you in advance for your generosity and this energetic contribution in supporting us to become a more diverse, inclusive and equitable organization.


Pachamama Sacred Paths is a 501(c)3 Religious Non-Profit which means that 100% of your donation is tax deductible. Let the Ayni flow! 



Añay! Añay! Añay!

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